Forgot to Post About That Nightmare, Here Goes…

Well it’s nothing too big I guess, just scary for myself. Anyways, this is what happened.
I went to go take out my Taylor (you know, the guitar I totally love), and took it out to play. I start playing it, and I notice some string-buzzing. (Ok, I just realized this may turn somewhat Guitar Techie, so if you don’t understand it, forgive me). So I check the frets and the neck, and I notice that the neck is kinda warped. There was a little (well not so little, it was about 3mm high) ripple in one section that ran diagnally across the neck. So I feel across that and it has the texture sorta like Athelete’s tape, ya know, that same kinda squishy-ness. So as I wonder what that’s all about, the tape comes off, and there’s like a SLICE through my guitar. Strangely it wasn’t just like a crack, but it was more like a clean cut through the neck. Angled just a little bit. At that point I was hysterical. And then it ended. Weird eh?

Ok, Ok, I had another dream last night as well, but I only remember one part of it, lol, and it may seem really weird. I’m an avid fan of Christian Musician Duo, Shane and Shane ( for info). They’re an acoustic duo who lead worship over at Texas A&M’s Breakaway every week, and just all out rock with they’re awesome guitar playing and vocals. Anyways, on a hangout board of fans and stuff (, they posted just a few days ago about a picture of Shane Everett and his fiancee being posted really big (a page big picture) in this week’s copy of US Weekly. So, in my dream, the only part I really remember, I was flipping through the magazine and finally turned up on this picture. Although, it was just a small picture (about 5″x5″) and it was in black and white, and it didn’t have his finacee in it….So yes, weird eh? I haven’t seen the picture yet, and I have no idea what his fiancee looks like, so I guess it would be really strange if I did see what the actually picture looks like. Ok, enough weirdness and random stuff…..Later!

current mood: weird