Rebecca St. Smallbone?!?!?

hahaha. I was just checking (a chrisitan music news site), and someone posted this in their Q&A section:

Q: Where did Rebecca St. James (actual last name “Smallbone”) get her stage name; why did she not use Smallbone?

A: Many artists record under a stage name, and the reasons are usually marketing related, as is the case with Rebecca. I guess the ad wizards (old SNL reference) at Forefront thought “Smallbone” was a bit too different. “St. James” was chosen, in particular, because her late grandfather’s name was James.

I had NO idea that Rebecca St. James’ real last name was Smallbone! geez!!

Now I gotta ask them if Natalie Grant and Amy Grant are really sisters! (as I’ve heard that that is rumored!)  

[Spotlight:] Wade’s Web Page

Hrm, so when the heck is Wade gonna redo his whole webpage???? I’VE BEEN WAITING MAN!!! Do something cool with it, like we’ve never seen before….or yeah…something like that…but no poop.

Anyways, this is a lil review of Wade Y Changsometangrungtoasitranleemungvistatristhahongstaves (yes, I really did have netscape open and typed all that from there, hahaha).

Wade’s page…ahhh, the memories. He was the first one to introduced all of us at AACF to (don’t recommend the weak stomached, and weak minded to go there…or you may just submit your own poo someday). Wade’s page features many crazy links and funny stories of his encounters with bad chinese drivers, non-sense talking, and random thoughts of his. Once in a while he’ll post about something pretty cool and thought-provoking. Mostly, it’s like a journal like all of our online endeavors these days (for those of us on Livejournal or Deadjournal, or now ujournal! hehe). But yes, if you’re into crazy comedy and neat readings, visit wade’s site, cuz it’s cool. Just beware the links….all of them…

Oh, in times past he had other things on the page as well. Like his “Favorite Couples” page. He had his “Ideas” page which I thought was brillant (one of his ideas was to have Cars all magnetically charged, either positive or negative, so that they’ll never run into each other….then again, that somewhat doesn’t work…..if the car is going fast enough, they’ll still collide….). The best page of all was his installments of “That’s Just Wrong” where he had himself peeing on a rock, and dressed in leather pants with his dad (amoung other funny things too). Ahhh, I miss those pages…BRING THEM BACK!!! I WANT MY MTV!

Ok, this has been enuf procrastinating, see ya on the flip side….

Request for Musicians

hah, well listening to bands like the David Crowder Band and Exit 10, it really wants me to have a band with a set group of musicians to play with. Ones who most of all love to worship, and also have great talent. So yeah, If you’re interested in being part of the Randall Wong Band, let me know, haha. =P

I just downloaded like 20 new mp3s from Thad’s server. Some great stuff. Mostly Exit 10 stuff (Steve Fee and Candi Pearson, who will never be coming out with a CD, atleast not soon….booooo, I love them so much, hah), and stuff from the David Crowder Band from this year’s summer conference at CIY.

Actually I’m listening to the first song, Sing like the Saved, by Exit 10, and it doesn’t sound like Candi…but I could be wrong… Not as soulful….but still could be. alas. I miss her from the 722 broadcasts. =( Ok, it is her, she just did some fun signature stuff, hehe.


Well on a side note I’ll be recording again this winter. Should be fun. Hopefully I’ll be done sometime this year on that cd that I’ve been promising since last year, Who knows though. Tell ya what, I’ll offer you guys here it free by mp3 when it’s done. =P Maybe that’ll satisfy some of ya. =)

current mood: hopeful
current music: David Crowder Band – Doxology

I’m gonna be a part of it, New York, New York!

Well that was a fun trip. Got to see a lot of things, and walked around a WHOLE lot. (about 4 miles each day I would think). A lot of crazy walking, and site seeing, and shopping, and eating.Umm, not sure if I have time to tell it all right now, so yeah. I’ll try and update it in a lil bit. =)

Lisa visited me yesterday afternoon before work. We did some shopping, and I found my mom a present. Still have to shop around for some other gifts. Really don’t know what to get my brother or my Dad. Aiya. I’m ALWAYS a last minute shopper (but strangely always poignant about being on time…).

This week is AACF’s last meeting. We’re going outside and going Chrismas Caroling and passing out candy canes in the park in downtown San Jose. Should be fun. Alex hasn’t sent out this weeks’ mailing, maybe I should remind him to do it now.

Also, I’m speaking for the Youth Group back at home on Friday. I’ll be speaking on the life of David, and wanting more. hrm…I shoulda bought one of those shirts and used it as a prize….oh well.

Off to work in a bit, just gotta get these shoes on..