Recording Ways

Well the recording is nicely on it’s way. I did the guitar tracks for “Our Love is Loud” though it’s not one of the original songs I picked, I do really like the song, and may include it with this AACF CD (if it doesn’t go on there, it definately will go on my own cd, hehehe). I figured out the chords a few nights ago when 722 did it in it’s entirety for their Christmas service.

722’s Christmas service was awesome! my goodness. Never heard Christmas carols sound so good!!! really! If you haven’t listened to it yet, browse by and click on the Past Messages. Click on the last one for this “season”.

I bought a web cam two nights ago. It’s not on a lot, unless I’m on yahoo messenger. I don’t really like yahoo messenger, except that it can use a web cam, so I’m hoping that AOL will get their acts together and make something where you can use a web cam sorta how yahoo has it. Maybe they’ll someday browse upon this page and read about it. =)

current mood: accomplished
current music: artist – God of Wrath – David Crowder

The SST is Mine! ,, and AACF@SJSU CD Release Info!!


Hehe, yes the news is, that I bought the Chet Atkins SST model guitar. I bought it actually the week of Thanksgiving, that tuesday before hand I believe. It ends up that it was the same day that I recieved my Taylor last year (It was shipped to my parents house the tuesday before thanksgiving last year).

I’ve been playing with it a lot, and I really like it. It has SUPERB tone, almost bettering the Taylor (course I’ll always love my Taylor, it’s my second baby, hah, guess what (or rather who’s) first ; ) ). Anyways, yes, it’s a very nice guitar, and I’ve used it a few times now for worship already, and I really enjoy using it. Though I better keep switching between the Taylor and the Chet, because when I was playing the Taylor the other night, it felt funny to play such a large bodied guitar, since the Chet is really thin.

Met some new friends online recently. I was searching for Chet Atkins SST reviews on the net, and I happened upon a guy’s webpage that bought one for a cd recording he was working on (sounds like me, hah). I continued reading about the cd recording, cuz, pretty much, that’s what I’m doing right now. It ends up that he was doing a worship recording with some friends (hah, sounds like me again). Anyways, I’ve been talking to him (Wei) and his friend and drummer (Victor) for their ‘band’ Hope Road.
Oh, forgot to mention that they’re all asian too, and Christian, and yeah, so weird. Oh, and they really like Passion. It’s like another version of me over in the East Coast…but not….hah.

Now on to the exciting news. I’ve collaborated with myself, and the new release date for our AACF cd, will be Monday, April 1st, 2002. We’re finally heading into the production stage of things soon (within a week or two) and I’ll be recording all the guitar tracks, then we’ll work in the vocals, then bass, electric, drums, and percussion, and also maybe a lil piano, but it may be sparse, haha. I’m a guitar kinda guy. =) So yes, be on the look out of the newest AACF@SJSU CD coming out Spring 2002!

current mood: excited
current music: 01 – David Crowder DC-LA