All is Quiet on the Northern Front

Hrm, strangely, I feel that I’ve had this title for a journal topic before. Anyways, It seems like everyone’s been getting into the journal writing business. I guess it’s a way to express ourselves, and to let others know how we’re feeling. All I have to say is, I WAS SECOND!!!! lol. The first person I knew with an online journal was Joe from SFSU’s AACF, unfortunately, I haven’t been checking his entries at all, but you may want to check out some time, as I’m sure it’s still a great site for reading what’s on Joe’s mind, and he just has so much to talk about all the time!! goodness gracious.

Well, I’m trying to find some old old old school weird Chris Tomlin visiting the campus of Texas A&M along with Exit 10, cuz the harmonies that Candi Pearson did were just awesome! ahhhh. Anyways, just trying to listen to some stuff tonight. Maybe I’ll get inspired to do a certain song on the CD.

Oh yeah, a friend asked me about that MercyMe song “I Can Only Imagine.” It’s a really good song, but I dont’ think I would want to put it on the cd. I dont’ have the voice to do that one, and I wouldn’t want to ruin such a good song. She just suggested that I’d do it for worship sometime though, so I may. =)

current mood: thankful
current music: All in All – 722

Crowder’s CD and He’s coming to Santa Cruz!

Wow, the 2nd day of his CD release, and we’ve already sold about 15 or more copies. We sold 10 yesterday, as I recorded, and I’m anxicously awaiting to see how many we sound today. Looks like the CD is doing extremely well.

Well I found out today through some other Sixsteps Reps that Chris Tomlin did buy a Chet Atkins SST guitar. This story goes back a few months (back in November) when I first bought my Chet Atkins. I was looking up prices on them, after I bought mine, to see how good of a deal I got on mine, and I noticed that someone on ebay bid, and won a Chet Atkins SST with tne ebay username of “christomlin”. I thought, man, maybe it’s really Chris, so I emailed him through ebay, but got no response back. Funny to find that out. Also, a few days after that, I was watching 722 for that week (which reminds me, I haven’t seen this weeks yet) and I saw Steve Fee had a Chet as well, which was new. His was in a natural finish, which I don’t like very much, cuz it looks kinda weird.

I’m picking up some of the crew from Missouri on Saturday night from the Airport I think, even though I haven’t given Pastor Sandra a call back on that. Ahhh, I’ll just email her right now. Ok, think that’s about it. Next week is the big outreach week with Oath, Evangel University Students, as well as some students from North West college. Big week.

current mood: excited

I’m Tired

Well it’s Friday, sorta. I’m tired. I recorded with Erica today (first time she’s come in to record vocals), and it sounded really good. She did vocals for like 3 songs (Pour out My Heart, God of Wonders, and My God Reigns). They turned out pretty good, and my voice was better today, other than Nate commenting that when I sing My God Reigns, that I sound like a Leprachaun. I don’t even know what a Leprechaun sounds like, weird. =P

Anyways, I heard that Michelle Kwan got 3rd today. Too bad =( I was really hoping that she’d get the gold. I know that she’s a local gal (from San Jose or something I think). Oh well, 3rd place is still good too I guess (then again, she had a silver before as well). Anyone think if she’ll try for it again in 4? She’ll be 25 by then right? Hrm…maybe a little old, but we’ll see. I’m cheering for you Michelle Kwan! hah (well, and so does Anh, he thinks she’s HOT, lol).

Doh, I gotta buy airline tickets really soon, before all the prices go sky high. lalalala. Erm….no pun intended in that last sentance….

Ok, I’m pretty tired, g’nite

current mood: exhausted

An Entry??? NO WAY!!

Hi there. No, I haven’t died. If I did, you wouldn’t be reading this (or maybe you would, but I didn’t know there were computers connected to the internet in heaven.) Anyways, here goes my little entry.

The CD project is coming along. We’ve been doing mostly recording for guitar, and some instrument stuff, and just started doing vocals recently. Tommorrow night we’re supposed to be working on some stuff at around 9:45pm or so, and we’ll see how that all goes. I think I’ll have to record a few more guitar tracks, just so that we have some more material to work with as well.

The David Crowder Band is coming out with their new CD this week. It’s called Can You Hear Us? and it’s great, as I’ve had it for the past month or so (from work). A lot of neat songs on there. I also got to hear the new Passion CD releasing in April from work. MAN oh MAN, it’s good. I’m loving Dance in the River, I even had to go figure out the bass line for it, hehe, and it’s majorly cool. I like pretty much every track on it, though Charlie Hall’s “Sweet Me Away” song is kinda funky, but maybe I’ll grow into it.

The Thirsty Conference by Passion is coming up in April. I’m so wanting to go, but it’s looking expensive. I should put some money aside right now, so that I can pay for it. Or set aside some money each pay check or something. Ahhhhh. I’m hoping that Jeff Fountain (of Choice Resources, and part of Sixstep records) can get in contact of the lady running Thirsty, as I’ll probably be there a day early for 7:22, and will have nothing to do on Wednesday. It would be fun to hang out, and help out, and meet some of the guys on Wednesday. =) Almost like a dream come true, hehe.

Ok, that’s about it, peace outside!

current mood: amused