Worked for my 3rd day today. (Third Day? hehe, they’re new album comes out in November, mark your calendars!) The first day I was put in cashering, 2nd was customer service, and today I did all recieving (where they get all the packages, and products, and sticker them and put them out). Not really sure which one I like best….probably customer service, or cashering. Each one of the days I got to see less and less customers, which I guess wasn’t that great, hah. But work so far seems pretty cool. I enjoy it a lot and the people who work there are great! Fun people, and we joke around with each other a lot, but don’t put one another down, just have fun with each other. =) Good enviroment definately!
Hrm, so for my birthday today, we’re gonna go out to Red Robins a little later. Not sure how later that is. Supposedly my sweetheart, Lisa, is coming down, but I’m not sure if she really is, cuz they only have one car!! Well, I will really enjoy it if she does, hehe, even though she did just come out with my family to a birthday dinner for me. Oh, I forgot to talk about that too. But anyways, the list for tonight is Lisa, Derek, Anh, Erica, and Ali. Maybe some other people I’m unaware of as well. =P The more the merrier right?
So anyways, I went out with my family for my birthday dinner on Sunday Night, We had GRUBBBBBBBBBB!!!! Went to the House of Prime Rib (My all time favorite restuarant). Lisa was really scared to go, and have dinner with my parents and my brother. It was quite funny, and entertaining as I tired to calm her down. After the night she said it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. She also got to meet my brother, Eric, and she said he looked nothing like me, which I guess is a good thing, cuz I’m much better looking than my brother. =P haha. So anyways, I ordered the regular HoPR Cut, and man, it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooood!! I had seconds too as they came around, and I could have really gone for thirds as well. Got a picture at the end with my family and Lisa at HoPR, and it’s so cute. hah. I should frame it and keep it on my desk, ahhhh. Anyways, that was the interesting part of the weekend.
current mood: giddy