Sunday Service with the District Superintendent

“Are we in trouble??” is what one person in our congregation asked when they heard that our district superintended of the Assembilies of God was coming to visit (well and speak). No we weren’t in trouble, but rather he came with a very good message that talked about the Multi-Purpose facility that’s to come.

If you haven’t heard, at our church we’re planning a expansion of the 2nd floor. We’re making a multi-purpose facility that will go over the Bank, and the parking lot that is on the property of our church. It’s going to be a gym with a full sized Basket ball court, and two smaller courts overlayed on it. Sounds neat eh? As well as it functioning as a gym, it will also be the home of our youth group (and probably where our college group will meet as well). I’m hoping for it to be great. =)

Worship yesterday went well. Theresa led, with pretty much a full team. Millie and Helen sang, JD played acoustic and sang, I was playing electric and sang, Melissa played the keyboards, Gordon played the drums, and Helen Lee played bass. You could say it was a full team, lol. I guess we’ll be having it like that for a while though, since we’ll be doing the 40 days of purpose at our church.

I’m slowly getting better at electric. Still doing mostly a rythym kinda deal with playing, but it’s ok. Not like I would be able to judge myself how loud I can be (it’s stinking hard, they kept telling me I was too loud during practice when I couldn’t barely even hear myself, lol). Ahhh, just waiitng till Patrick gets back from school in June, then it’ll be cool with a lead guitarist. =)

Trying a new thing…

Well I’m trying out a new webblog. This one is called Moveable Type. It’s availible as a download for web hosts and stuff, so I installed it on It works pretty nicely, sorta like Blogger or Xanga (just without all the annoying people on them). So yes, if you want to check it out, visit the link.

So yeah, check out my new blogger type thing at (lol, isn’t that a lil redundant? Then again, it would be nice to have my band members *cough cough* have their own as well. Like and =P ? paaaatriiick!! (hrm, sounds like hatrick…anyways, I’m weird).

current mood: odd

Cool Stuff in my Devos

Well I just woke up and read some cool stuff in my devotional. I’m on like week 6 or 7, and it’s talking this week about Community. Community within church, friends, etc. Todays was pretty cool, because it talked about how we put on masks in life, and when people ask “How are you?” we always reply with “I’m fine.” While in reality, we may not really be fine, and we may be having a bad day, or worse.

The devotional reminded me of a Switchfoot song off their latest album “Beatiful Letdown” (lol, yes, I finally picked it up. I didn’t believe [info]switchette before, but I do now, the album is awesome!). Anyways, there’s a song on there called “More than Fine” where the lyrics spoke to me in that way (even though they were meant in another way, lol). Here’s the lyrics.

More Than Fine

When I wake in the morning
I want to blow into pieces.
I want more than just okay, more than just okay.

When I’m up with the sunrise.
I want more than just the blue skies
I want more than just okay, more than just okay.

I’m not givin’ up, givin’ up now.
I’m not givin’ up, not backing down.

More than fine, more than bent on getting by.
More than fine, more than just okay.

When I’m lit with the sunshine,
I want more than just a good time
I want more than just okay, more than just okay.

More than oceans away from the dawn
More than oceans away from who we are.
More than oceans, more than oceans
More than fine.

current music: More Than Fine – Switchfoot

What’s with all the fights in Baseball lately? It’s almost like watching Hockey! whoohooo!

LOL. I’m on a Fantasy Sports team again this year for Baseball, so I’m getting warmed up to who’s who again (since I only follow once the fantasy league starts up, haha). Anyways, I’m just reading about all these players getting into brawls after getting hit by pitches. Sounded just like a hockey game, but cooler, lol.

Here goes my players for this year (darn good team too). (buncha hot heads if ya ask me, lol)

Mike Piazza
Jason Giabi
Jeff Kent
Troy Glaus
Omar Vizquel
Barry Bonds
Ken Griffey Jr.
Sammy Sosa
Juan Gonzalez
Jeff Bagwell
Bret Boone
Tony Batista
Roberto Alomar
Mo Vaughn

Danny Graves
Greg Maddux
Eddie Guardado
Byung-Hyun Kim
Hideo Nomo
Kerry Wood
Kevin Brown
Al Lieter
David Wells

Amazing team eh? There’s just 6 of us this year, so we have some good players on all our teams…but still. I got the freaking homeruns down with no contest!! =P C’mon, there’s Bonds, Sosa, Griffey (if he’s healthy), Bagwell, and Kent (@ Houston now, geez). ROCK ON!!

muhahahahahaha! This season is MINE!

current mood: maniacal

Heeeeey Quesadillas! (sung to Macarana or something…)

Yum, just made some good tasting quesadillas. Though now I’m out of tortillas…I’ll have to get some more. Earlier in the week I made fajitas (who said I couldn’t cook?) and they were great. I bought a pack of 20 tortillas, and ate about 5 fajitas that day, and another 3 on Friday. The rest I just ate….I really like Tortillas…maybe I’ll get the 30 pack next time, lol.

Our Music Department at work won a free dinner at Outback, paid for by our boss. =P She was running a contest for inventory. Inventory is when we here at Berean have a count of every single thing in the store, and we set the product numbers to that. We get a team to come in and they have these counter-things on their belts that look like calculators, and they 10 key in every item (they have a team of like 40 people, so it goes by in about 3-4 hours). Luckily I wasn’t there, but if I was, I would have been helping out with finding the SKU’s for items that don’t have Berean tags on it. Anyways, back to the contest. What it was was that Vanessa offered dinner at Outback for the Dept who had the least SKU checks on inventory night. We couldn’t have over 10 either, and if there was a tie, she would take both Depts out (so she was hoping for no tie, lol). Anyways, Teena called me today and told me that we won. She sounded so excited. =P So yeah, we only had 1 item that needed a SKU check. Cool eh? We were all assigned different sections to check cds from. Wheeee, first time going to Outback sometime soon! =)

current mood: chipper