Tag Archives: Food

Mmmmmmm, Fast food clogs my arteries…hehe

Mmmmmm, I love Jack in the Box…I ordered a number 4 the other day….meat upon meat…was just their Double Bacon Cheeseburger or something. I should try their triple….though it can’t compare to In & Outs 4×4!!! Hehehehe, I love that thing…I get it every time I go to In & Out now….if you haven’t tried it, GO TRY IT!! 4 stacks of meat, 4 stacks of cheese, mmmm.

current mood: full


Mmmm, hash browns are the best breakfast food ever. Course I’m eating them at 3pm…dunno how that works, but it’s still really good. The only thing that beats Hash Browns hands down is Corned Beef Hash…mmmm, love that stuff. Ooooo, thinking about Corn Beef Hash AND hash browns…too bad I don’t have any Corned Beef Hash…doh

current mood: hungry
current music: Dwelling Places (Live) – Shane Barnard