Hrm, well for some updates, I recently picked up some new studio equipment stuff (well not recently, but within the last 2 months or so). I broke down and bought a mixer. It’s a really nice one, I dunno if I talked about it earlier or not. It’s a Behringer unit, with 12 channels, 6 xlrs, whoo. And it has built in effects! So I can add echo, delay, reverb, chorus, etc. Course it’s only one at a time, blah.
I also got a new mic. After debating about it for awhile, I finally saw a really really really good price on ebay that I couldn’t resist, and I picked up a Shure Beta 87a for cheap!! (ask me if you want to know the price, heh). I got this mic probably about 3 weeks ago, and I’ve got to use it once in service, and I play with it constantly in the house, hehe. It’s a great mic, but uses phantom power, so I had to get a box for that (or I may borrow Tim’s for awhile, and just return the one I bought, I dunno).
I also just got a pair of Claves for 8 dollars. What are claves you ask? They’re wood sticks, that are hallow on the inside. They work well for “clapping” noises that you often hear on CDs, but have a higher pitch, and also a warm sound to it. For an example, try finding Shane Barnard’s song “Breath of God” off his Rocks Wont Cry album, or just ask me to listen to that song one day.
I’m probably going to try to do some stuff for my web page tonight, not sure exactly how much I’ll be doing, but yeah…..I need Adobe Illustraitor again for graphics, blah! =P
Ok, nuff said in this entry….hehe
current mood: creative