Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lalalaa, nothing going on. =)

Well let’s see, what’s going on today….Not much really, lol. Anh’s going up to Berkeley later tonite. We dont’ know why, there’s no AACF large group, guess he’s just visiting people *cough* weird. =P. Anyways, what else is going on….Lisa is taking her driving test today…Not sure at what time, but think she may have already taken it. Haven’t gotten a call or IM from her yet, so dunno if she passed, but I hope she did. Tiffany never called me yesterday to tell me what I’m playing for wroship on friday (either bass or guitar..) weird, ahh well. Mmmm Mac & Cheese is good, hehehe. Ok, later guys.

Tonight’s Activities

Well tonite we had our last meeting for AACF @ SJSU. It was a semi-informal meeting and Ice Cream social over at one of our Staffers for AACF, Derek Miyahara’s house. He lives out in Campbell. Before the meeting we all met over at Joe West (the big tall dorm here at SJSU), and headed out. A few of us got really hungry, and left to get some Jack in the Crack and headed back. Mmmmm, bacon double cheeseburger yet again…good stuff. =P We had a quaint core/leadership meeting with Alison and Anh, who are the new Core leaders for next year (and also make up the AA, of AACF, lol). Basically going over small things for next year, and the new application process for leadership. Good stuff. We ate some ice cream, hung out, then at the end, us Bro’s did our lil Sis Appreciation to the AACF girls and gave out lil presents, but before that we sang “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” to them, hah. Just like ol’ times eh?

current mood: weird
current music: You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling – Righteous Brothers

This was a nice, interesting, thought filled post I emailed to my friends in NY and from OneDay

Hey, don’t mind me, I’m just a stranger, hehe. Sorry for never writing
and everything. I’ve been a part of this egroup, well…ever since it
was really still under egroups (and not yahoo, hah). Wow, coming up is
almost May 20th! Almost a year since I met you guys and was richly
blessed at OneDay (I keep saying that term, “richly blessed” but it’s
been mostly for other people…but now that I think about OneDay, God
really did richly bless us all there, didn’t He? Awesome =) ). So
anyways, I wanted to drop by and give ya guys a message, let ya guys
know that I’m not dead or anything, and it’s very neat to still read
messages from all of you and to see that you’re coming back from all
your respective colleges and meeting again back at home. =) I pray
that you guys continue to go strong with the ministry of Sweet Aroma
at the Starbucks on Sunday nights and I really wish that I could be
there one day or that something like that could start up here in the
Bay Area, CA.

Anyways, just thinking back about a year ago, and thinking how there’s
no real big Passion event this year, I challenge ya guys to think back
about OneDay. Think about what God did with ya, what commiments you
made together with the Lord, what lessons He taught ya, or things that
He showed you there, and meditate upon this last year with how good
He’s been.

This last year has been a struggle for myself, even though a lot of
times I don’t talk about it with even my close friends. It’s been a
challenging year, and not all the times when I’ve gotten into binds or
was down in the dumps did I look to God. I’ve been faced with lots of
opposition and everything, but I can still say that the Lord is good.
I’ve still been doing a lot with worship at pretty much every place
I’m involved in, which is a total blessing. I thank God for the open
doors of ministry that He’s providing for me, and hopefully next
summer they’ll be more, I would love to do a few jr high/high school
camps or something, but I’m sure that’s all up to the Lord.

For a lesson that God has taught me….I think God’s really been
trying to reach me and tell me that I need to fall more in love with
Him. That I wouldn’t seek so much of an earthly love, because that’s
always temporary, but that I would be sustained and content with His
love, and His love alone. It’s a hard road and a hard lesson to learn,
and I’m still trying to get along with it (still after He’s been
telling me this since January, arrrgghhh, hah), but I’m sure I’ll get
through it someday…Anyways, I think I’m just rambling now and I just
feel like talking, haha, so I’ll let ya guys all go. Love ya guys a
bunch, and glad that you guys are all heading home soon. Hope to see
you this summer! =)

current mood: thoughtful
current music: Shane Evertt – Lord Most High

Tonite’s Activities

Well Anh beat us all today in Laser Quest or what not. He scored like 600 points and got 2nd place (the 1st place guy worked there). I got 4th place after Davey. I shoulda done better, but weird, even though a guy was right in front of me, I couldn’t shoot him. Supposedly when you fire there’s like a second when you can’t be hit, so if you fire repeatedly and fast, you won’t get hit. *shrug* Anyways, went over to some Cafe Won Sun or something over at McCarthy Ranch after and ate some some good grub and got some tapiocas. Yum, good stuff. =)

current mood: relaxed
current music: Wade Joye Band – King Eternal 9