Work Work Work

Wow, what a busy day yesterday and today. We’re busy doing returns about the whole story, because of Christmas. Whatever didn’t sell, we’re trying to sell back to the company that we ordered it from (which is kinda neat, thought they would just make us store it till next year, lol). Anyways, since I’m now in the music department, I was busy doing a bunch of Christmas returns. We filled up a WHOLE WHOLE big cart, and it was probably atleast 3000 cds that we’re returning to 8 different companies. The biggest return was Avalon’s Christmas album, “Joy”. We’re returning 441 of those CDs. And I had to peel off every single Berean UPC sticker from them. Luckily, by that time, Sandy (one of the Office Associates) gave me a “Scraper” which has a edge that you can peel things off, or scrap them off. Too bad I didn’t have that earlier when I was doing all the rest of the Christmas CDs and my nail started peeling up, EWWW.

A few new worshp CDs are in the store now, but aren’t that great.

I’m wanting to do a few more songs in the next couple of days, probably will be doing “Here I Am to Worship”, as well as “Pour Out My Heart” and ” We Are Hungry”.

I need a program that will find out BPM, or Beats per Minute, so if you know of one, let me know, ASAP! Thanks!


I forgot my devotional back in San Francisco!! argh! It’s really good, and it’s called, “A Godward Life” by John Piper. John Piper is a pastor of a church in Minniapolis, MN, and he speaks for seminars and such (as well as at OneDay 2000, where I got to hear him speak on Boasting Only in the Cross). Anyways, he has a lot of really interesting views on living our Christian lives, and some real paradigm shifts. One of which is this:

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.

I can’t go into much detail into that, but just thinking about that idea gives me goosebumps! It’s really true that God is glorified in us, when we satisfied living out His purpose for us here on earth. If we’re doing what He’s telling us, He’s the one getting all the glory for it! and it’s great! =)

I almost bought an Avalon u5 over the weekend. Saw one on ebay for about 375$, and I kept bidding with a person till I reached 400$, and I quit. The person got the Avalon u5 for 405$, ahhh well. Maybe next time. =)

The CD project is going well. I have to try and keep on schedule though, which only leaves this last week to do all the guitar recording *sigh* Don’t know how that’s all gonna get done….but I can atleast try. If I’m not talking to you people all that much this week, that’s the reason why.

I’m enjoying my Chet Atkins. I don’t use my Taylor as much as I’d like to anymore, but it’s still a really nice guitar. Think I’ll spend some nice time with it, as we bond and make some beautiful music together for this recording. =)

I’m also starting to work in the Music Dept over at Berean. I was recently moved (well today will be my first day officiall in the music dept). This happened because one of the other people there is retiring. She’s worked there for 27 years or something like that, and that she’s just old now and can’t stand up on her feet all day. So I’m being moved over there from books. I was getting to know the book department really well too. Oh well, I think I like music a lot more anyways. =)

Thinking about buying one of these Franklin Electronic Ebookman from work. We get it at a discount, so it would come out to about 150$ for the 16MB one. Info is at Unfortunately, it doesn’t support Palm OS software, so I wouldn’t be able to get all the cool games and such…but it does have the basic PDA features (datebook, address book, to do notes), as well as some new features, like a voice recorder, or the ability to play mp3s on it (though it only has 16MBs of ram! what’s with that! haha). Anyways, I’ll look into that…wish there was a web site that had PDA reviews or something.

current mood: working

The First New Entry of the New Year

Why Hello there. I’m going to try to be posting a lil more this year. Hopefully through it all people will get to know my personality a little better and get to know me, in this weird internet world. Now I’m not really sure of how to do that, I guess just sharing with life experiences and showing my opinion on those kinda things. Well I’ll try to do better in this online journal thing in this year. Lesse how it goes.

The past few weeks have been busy busy busy. I’m currently back and forth between San Francisco and San Jose working and hanging out with church friends. School starts up again Jan 23rd, so it’s not too far away. I also have to start working more on the cd project, which I want to be done by April (let’s see how that goes…have to stick to the schedule….doh!).

I got to talk with Victor from Hope Road, a band from the East Coast about recording (see previous story about a Chet Atkins one member had, hah). Anyways, was just talking with him and he gave me some insights on doing the recording stuff (like the layers, drums should go after guitars, or sometimes first (but dunno how plausible that is right now)). But recording this semester should be really fun. I did some mock vocals the other night, and they worked out really well. It should be very exciting to see the songs grow and come out on a cd in a few months.