Category Archives: Uncategorized

Weird Events

Hah, that seems to be all I talk about. Just weird stuff that happens. Anyways, I woke up at 4 in the morning today, and heard strange noises, like people dropping sutff or hitting the wall or something. So anyways, it was kinda weird, cuz I was really awake, and wasn’t sure what was going on. Thought maybe it was burglars or something. I got this bat thing from under my bed and just kinda lied there for awhile. =P It was nothing (I don’t think), but I started praying for people just outta the blue, just in case of something. Wasn’t sure what it was, but if something happened at around 4:07am today, let me know, hah.

current mood: weird

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Big Events at FLCC Auto Show! (well church, hehehe)

Service went well today. We did a lot of songs though, hah, and I had to practice them all right before service during worship practice (I knew all of the, but not sure if I played all of them before). Pastor Kevin had a very good message today on being Obediant to God. I felt like he was going to do a Altar call, but was sorta surprised that he didn’t (he did ask for some hands for people that struggled with being obediant to Him). After service I had a bunch of papers I had to print up, but the computers were all acting funny, hah. Pastor Sandra had me print and deliver some papers for her while she was away, so I needed to get them out before the meeting next week. Found out the HS class had no teacher today, but I couldn’t go in and do anything since I needed to get those papers done, heh. Tim stepped in and talked about camp and hung out with them and stuff though, so it was alright.
After church we went over to Lisa Chui’s house. Hung out, played ping pong (and some CRAZY round robin style ping pong) ate pizza, and just hung out pretty much, hah. Oh and played mah-jongg. Grrr, man, I was so dumb playing mah-jongg today!! I falsely declared, not only once, but TWICE!!! aiya, so horrible.

At 5:30 at church we had a potluck dinner thing as a goodbye party for Pastor Valerie. Pastor Val was our children’s pastor at our church for about 4 years now, been awhile. It was a good gathering with fun and food, and friends. 3 Fs, whooo. hehe. A few of the kids were playing around with me left and right. Pastor Kevin has the cutest kids though, they go in the order of Matthew, Nicholas, Andrew, and Cameron. Cute kids, hehe. Nick and Sara Chin were messing around with me when I was sitting there and eating. =P

I felt bad today as I was around the 280/380 intersection. It was then that I realized how easy it was for me to find parking at church, when it took Lisa Lau like 10 times around the block before she gave up and just parked in the church parking lot. I remembered that I prayed for parking right as I was in the park coming over to Fulton, but I never gave God thanks for the space once I had it. Blah, thanked Him there for it though. =) God is good, through even the little things like praying for parking spaces.

current mood: sleepy

Activities for Today

Well I don’t have to explain yesterday too much, since I didn’t do much, hehe. Today my plans are with an old friend, cuz it’s her birthday! =P I’m driving up to SF for today and celebrating Elisa’s 21st birthday (and supposedly she wants me to be the designated driver…uh oh). Blah, she told me she wanted to buy some drinks since it was her 21st birthday, whatever. Looks like I may be up in SF the whole day, hopefully it won’t be too late and I’ll be able to get back down to SJ at a reasonable hour.

Friends are Grand

Ya know… Friends are really great. God has really blessed me with people who do care about me and who are totally willing to pray for me. Praise the Lord! I’ve poured my heart out to a few people today (well yesterday) and they’re all praying for me, awesome aint it? Anyways, just thought I’d share that.

current mood: content