Oh geez… Christian music, not really Christian?

Well a few days ago, a couple came up to Teena and myself, asking about that group POD, why we sell them, and if they’re really Christian. We answered them about how they are Christian, and how their songs talk about God, and how often times in concert they talk about God, or thank Him for doing things. Well this couple said all this stuff about POD. That symbol that is on the POD cover (it’s like…3 petals, the Trinity sign), they were saying how that originally came from some occultic stuff, and how it contains 666 in it, so it CAN’T be Christian. Why would POD use that, if it was made up from satanic people. They go on to mention about the CD cover of “Snuff the Punk.”

The say, what’s going on there? is that supposed to be an angel and the devil? Why does the angel have a tatoo? That’s not Godly. Why does the lead singer have tatoos? that’s not Godly. Oh geez…

Then they start talking about the cd cover to “Fundamental Elements of Southtown”

Saying how why are they showing Budda there? And he’s doing the satanic hand symbol. Why is his heart being hung to die? They tell me they got all these questions about most of Christian Rock, how it’s all evil, and how everyone should just read the King James Bible. They told me to read www.Jesus-is-lord.com. So I went there, and looked around, it’s all a bunch of Bible Thumping Theology. I read this article and how they took every nitpick on Christian rock artist (though mostly from the 80s-90s), to go as far as to say how Jars of Clay has said publically they have watched some certain Nirvana music video with children’s baby doll’s with blood hanging on the wall. It’s so stupid. If they ever come upon this page, they’re probably going to tell me I’m going to Hell for saying all this stuff about them, and for forgetting to have a capital “L” in Lord in that previous link.

So yeah, go visit that site for a buncha white bible thumping bigots….  

Blah, no updates in awhile

Well this week I got the latest packet from Sixsteps Records. If ya didn’t know, I help by being a Road Rep for them. Promoting their up’n’coming cds, word of mouth grassroots kinda stuff. (Oh, and if ya didn’t know, Sixsteps puts out the music of Passion, as well as the Passion Worship Leaders, Charlie Hall, David Crowder, and Chris Tomlin). Anyways, the latest packet was actually just some stuff I already had, hehe. They gave us the Chris Tomlin cd (they didn’t get us a promo one early this time), and also the David Crowder green CD (which is a live cd, recorded the same time as the Passion Experience tour (probably by Taco…hehe). Also got a bunch of paper flyers for Chris’ new album. I’ll probably bring those around to a couple stores, post em up on billboards at school and stuff.

I’m trying to take more pictures, but I keep forgetting to bring my camera places. Like yesterday we had Operation Christmas Child with AACF, and I remembered it almost…but still forgot it. In going along with taking more pictures, I started an Ofoto account with my randall @ randallwongband.com email. I’ll send out a lil newsletter type thing with the pictures I take.

Today I’m working the night shift, AND closing the store. Well, it’s not that I haven’t been closing the store, but it’s previously been with Michael B, who’s getting married on Saturday. He’s gone for two weeks (till like Dec 2nd), and Nikki who was originally gonna work for him tonight, had a last minute field trip, so I’m filling in. First time closing…kinda scary. Hope I get everything right! =) Ok, off to work soon. 

C’mon Fox, get off the bandwagon!

hah, well I think Fox was in on the whole “World Series Scam”. Yes, that’s right, I believe that the 2002 World Series was a SHAM! A SHAM I SAY!! The Giants should have won, but it was up to the MLB to write up an elaborate ploy to get people to watch through 7 games of the WS. So yeah, I think the whole World Series was made up, and Fox was in on it.

Why I believe that? Well look at THIS evidence.

I turned on the TV today after lunch, and playing on Fox at 2pm, was the movie “Angels in the Outfield.” I mean, COME ON! Why would they be playing this if Fox didn’t know that the Angels would win the WS. If they knew the Giants were gonna win, they woulda played that horrible movie “The Fan”, hahahaha.

So yeah, that’s my latest thought. Angels won the “make believe World Series” and Fox was in on it.  

Jesus on Marriage in Heaven

Well I was reading the bible this morning, and I came across some interestng stuff. It made me kinda sad actually. I talked to one of my co-workers about it today too, and she said the same kinda stuff that’s in the bible. Here’s the passage.

Marriage at the Resurrection

23That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. 24″Teacher,” they said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him. 25Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. 26The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. 27Finally, the woman died. 28Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?”
29Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. 30At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

So yeah, basically this is saying that marriage is just for here on earth. When we die and go to heaven, we won’t be married (well, we’re considered the bride of Christ, and we’ll be married to Him). Anyways, it just made me think about how I wouldn’t be married to the person I will be married to here on earth. It made me kind of sad. I have hopes of marrying someone, and having children, as long as the Lord doesn’t come back first, but at the same time, this makes me sad that the person I would spend my years with on earth, and share my inmost self with, wouldn’t be “married” to me in heaven. My co-worker brought up that we wouldn’t be sad about it at all in heaven, and that we would be pre-occupied with worshipping our Lord, which is true, but I dunno, my heart would want to love my wife as well. It’s kinda confusing I guess. Just my thoughts for today. Feel free to post your thoughts on this subject as well.

current mood: thought provoked